乙二醇二甲醚(C₄H10O₂)是一种无色透明液体,又称1,2-二甲氧基乙烷、二甲基溶纤剂、Glyme、monoglyme、dimethyl glycol、ethylene glycol dimethyl ether、dimethyl cellosolve和DME,是一种无色透明液体,具有乙醚气味。它溶于水、乙醇、乙醚、氯仿等溶剂。乙二醇二甲醚化学性质稳定,广泛应用于聚合物化学、电化学、硼化学工艺等领域,以及作为树脂、硝化纤维素等的溶剂。沸点高于乙醚和THF,常被用作那两种的替代品。此外,乙二醇二甲醚与双齿配体反应形成螯合物,可用于有机金属化学反应,如格林纳试剂、还原氢化反应、铃木反应和施蒂勒反应等。乙二醇二甲醚是最低能量、最稳定的构象,而非对位交叉式构象。
概况简介 编辑本段
比如:苯,四丁基溴化铵,DME的水溶液体系进行电解反应,可制得纯度为百分之九十六的1,4二羟基苯。制备硼化学: DME作为溶剂,可用于制得硼,硼氢化物,多硼氢化合物,多硼氢酸盐等多种硼衍生物。比如;三烷基硼化物和氢化铝钠在DME中反应,制得的硼氢化钠纯度高,颗粒大。制备有机金属化合物: DME是有机金属反应的重要试剂,可用于制备锑,硒,锡,钛,铼,铁,钌等有机金属化合物。用于高分子材料的聚合反应;用作清洗剂复配物;用于有机化合物及医药中间体的合成等。
基本内容 编辑本段
危险属性 编辑本段
物质毒性 编辑本段
编号 | 毒性类型 | 测试方法 | 测试对象 | 使用剂量 | 毒性作用 |
1 | acute | Oral | Human | 3380 mg/kg | 1.胃肠道毒性Gastrointestinal - gastritis 2.肝毒性Liver - other changes 3.肾、输尿管和膀胱毒性Kidney, Ureter, Bladder -other changes |
2 | acute | Inhalation | Human | 25 ppm | 1.行为毒性Behavioral - tremor 2.行为毒性Behavioral - convulsions or effect on seizure threshold 3.行为毒性Behavioral - changes in motor activity (specific assay) |
3 | acute | Oral | Rodent - rat | 2370 mg/kg | 1.行为毒性Behavioral - altered sleep time (including change in righting reflex) 2.肺部、胸部或者呼吸毒性Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration -other changes |
4 | acute | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 1500 ppm/7H | 1.Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value |
5 | acute | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - rat | 2500 mg/kg | 1.Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value |
6 | acute | Intravenous | Rodent - rat | 2068 mg/kg | 1.血液毒性Blood - other hemolysis with or without anemia |
7 | acute | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 2560 mg/kg | 1.行为毒性Behavioral - somnolence (general depressed activity) 2.行为毒性Behavioral - changes in motor activity (specific assay) 3.心脏毒性Cardiac - other changes |
8 | acute | Inhalation | Rodent - mouse | 1480 ppm/7H | 1.行为毒性Behavioral - analgesia 2.肺部、胸部或者呼吸毒性Lungs, Thorax, or Respiration -dyspnea 3.肾、输尿管和膀胱毒性Kidney, Ureter, Bladder -hematuria |
9 | acute | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - mouse | 2147 mg/kg | 1.肾、输尿管和膀胱毒性Kidney, Ureter, Bladder -changes in both tubules and glomeruli 2.血液毒性Blood - changes in spleen 3.血液毒性Blood - other changes |
10 | acute | Oral | Rodent - rabbit | 890 mg/kg | 1.行为毒性Behavioral - general anesthetic 2.血液毒性Blood - other hemolysis with or without anemia |
11 | acute | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rabbit | 1280 mg/kg | 1.Details of toxic effects not reported other than lethal dose value |
12 | acute | Oral | Rodent - guinea pig | 950 mg/kg | 1.行为毒性Behavioral - general anesthetic 2.胃肠道毒性Gastrointestinal - other changes 3.肾、输尿管和膀胱毒性Kidney, Ureter, Bladder -other changes |
13 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 400 ppm/6H/2W-I | 1.大脑毒性Brain and Coverings - other degenerative changes 2.营养和代谢系统毒性Nutritional and Gross Metabolic - weight loss or decreased weight gain 3.生化毒性Biochemical - Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels - multiple enzyme effects |
14 | MutipleDose | Oral | Rodent - rat | 10206 mg/kg/21D-C | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - changes in thymus weight 2.营养和代谢系统毒性Nutritional and Gross Metabolic - weight loss or decreased weight gain 3.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
15 | MutipleDose | Oral | Rodent - rat | 500 mg/kg/10D-I | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - changes in thymus weight 2.免疫系统毒性Immunological Including Allergic - decreased immune response |
16 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 300 ppm/6H/13W-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - changes in leukocyte (WBC) count 2.营养和代谢系统毒性Nutritional and Gross Metabolic - weight loss or decreased weight gain 3.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
17 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 970 mg/m3/7H/5W-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - changes in bone marrow (not otherwise specified) 2.血液毒性Blood - changes in spleen |
18 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 1000 ppm/6H/11D-I | 1.肾、输尿管和膀胱毒性Kidney, Ureter, Bladder -other changes in urine composition 2.血液毒性Blood - changes in bone marrow (not otherwise specified) 3.血液毒性Blood - changes in leukocyte (WBC) count |
19 | MutipleDose | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rat | 20 mg/kg/4W-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - changes in other cell count (unspecified) 2.血液毒性Blood - changes in leukocyte (WBC) count 3.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
20 | MutipleDose | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - rat | 450 mg/kg/16D-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - changes in other cell count (unspecified) 2.生化毒性Biochemical - Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels - other Enzymes |
21 | MutipleDose | Oral | Rodent - rat | 29484 mg/kg/13W-C | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - changes in thymus weight 2.血液毒性Blood - changes in platelet count 3.营养和代谢系统毒性Nutritional and Gross Metabolic - weight loss or decreased weight gain |
22 | MutipleDose | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rat | 3200 mg/kg/4D-I | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - changes in thymus weight 2.免疫系统毒性Immunological Including Allergic - decrease in humoral immune response |
23 | MutipleDose | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 12110 mg/kg/2W-C | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - changes in thymus weight 2.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
24 | MutipleDose | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 82 mg/kg/13W-C | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - effect on menstrual cycle 2.内分泌毒性Endocrine - other changes 3.血液毒性Blood - changes in spleen |
25 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Rodent - mouse | 1000 ppm/6H/11D-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - changes in leukocyte (WBC) count 2.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
26 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Mammal - dog | 750 ppm/7H/12W-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - microcytosis with or without anemia 2.血液毒性Blood - other changes |
27 | MutipleDose | Inhalation | Rodent - rabbit | 300 ppm/6H/13W-I | 1.内分泌毒性Endocrine - changes in thymus weight 2.血液毒性Blood - changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count 3.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
28 | MutipleDose | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - guinea pig | 65 mg/kg/13W-I | 1.血液毒性Blood - changes in erythrocyte (RBC) count 2.营养和代谢系统毒性Nutritional and Gross Metabolic - weight loss or decreased weight gain 3.慢性病相关毒性Related to Chronic Data - changes in testicular weight |
29 | SkinEyeIrrition | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rabbit | 483 mg/24H | 1.Mild |
30 | SkinEyeIrrition | Administration into the eye | Rodent - rabbit | 97 mg | |
31 | SkinEyeIrrition | Administration into the eye | Rodent - rabbit | 500 mg/24H | 1.Mild |
32 | SkinEyeIrrition | Administration into the eye | Rodent - guinea pig | 10 ug | 1.Mild |
33 | Mutation | Human Lymphocyte | 150 mmol/L | ||
34 | Mutation | Oral | Rodent - rat | 500 mg/kg | |
35 | Mutation | Oral | Rodent - rat | 500 mg/kg | |
36 | Mutation | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 500 mg/kg | |
37 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - rat | 175 mg/kg,female 7-13 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -cardiovascular (circulatory) system |
38 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - rat | 175 mg/kg,female 7-13 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Maternal Effects - parturition 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Newborn -biochemical and metabolic |
39 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - rat | 15015 mg/kg,male 13 week(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - spermatogenesis (incl. genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, andcount) |
40 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - rat | 100 mg/kg,male 1 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
41 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - rat | 350 mg/kg,female 9-15 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -litter size (e.g. # fetuses per litter; measured before birth) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -cardiovascular (circulatory) system |
42 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 68 mg/kg/4H,female 1-19 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -pre-implantation mortality (e.g. reduction in number of implants per female; total number of implants per corpora lutea) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility - post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) |
43 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 30 ppm/6H,male 65 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
44 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 100 ppm/6H,female 6-17 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Maternal Effects - parturition 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -female fertility index (e.g. # females pregnant per # sperm positive females; # females pregnant per # femalesmated) 3.生殖毒性Reproductive- Effects on Newborn -live birth index (measured after birth) |
45 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 100 ppm/6H,female 6-17 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Newborn -viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # bornalive) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Newborn -growth statistics (e.g.%, reduced weight gain) |
46 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rat | 30 ppm/6H,male 13 week(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) |
47 | Reproductive | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rat | 11592 mg/kg,female 6-17 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -female fertility index (e.g. # females pregnant per # sperm positive females; # females pregnant per # femalesmated) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetaldeath |
48 | Reproductive | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rat | 4375 mg/kg,male 7 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - spermatogenesis (incl. genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, andcount) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility - male fertility index (e.g. # males impregnating females per # males exposed to fertile nonpregnant females) |
49 | Reproductive | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rat | 2 mg/kg,female 10 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) |
50 | Reproductive | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - rat | 1 mg/kg,female 12 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -craniofacial (including nose andtongue) 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -gastrointestinal system |
51 | Reproductive | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - rat | 330 mg/kg,female 12 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -cardiovascular (circulatory) system |
52 | Reproductive | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - rat | 190 mg/kg,female 14 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -Central Nervous System 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -urogenital system |
53 | Reproductive | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - rat | 190 mg/kg,female 12 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system |
54 | Reproductive | Intraperitoneal | Rodent - rat | 190 mg/kg,female 8 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) |
55 | Reproductive | Subcutaneous | Rodent - rat | 600 mg/kg,female 6-20 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive- Effects on Newborn -live birth index (measured after birth) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Newborn -viability index (e.g., # alive at day 4 per # bornalive) |
56 | Reproductive | Subcutaneous | Rodent - rat | 440 mg/kg,female 7-17 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive- Effects on Newborn -live birth index (measured after birth) |
57 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - rat | 250 mg/kg,female 13 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system |
58 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 175 mg/kg,female 11 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system |
59 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 2 mg/kg,female 7-14 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -litter size (e.g. # fetuses per litter; measured before birth) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetaldeath 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -Central Nervous System |
60 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 500 mg/kg,female 9 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility - litter size (e.g. # fetuses per litter; measured before birth) 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) |
61 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 250 mg/kg,female 11 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system |
62 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - mouse | 6250 mg/kg,male 25 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
63 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - mouse | 1000 ppm/6H,male 11 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
64 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - mouse | 500 ppm/7H,male 5 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - spermatogenesis (incl. genetic material, sperm morphology, motility, andcount) |
65 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - mouse | 50 ppm/6H,female 6-15 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -litter size (e.g. # fetuses per litter; measured before birth) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -urogenital system |
66 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - mouse | 50 ppm/6H,female 6-15 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -urogenital system |
67 | Reproductive | Subcutaneous | Rodent - mouse | 1200 mg/kg,female 7-13 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) |
68 | Reproductive | Subcutaneous | Rodent - mouse | 3200 mg/kg,female 7-14 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) |
69 | Reproductive | Subcutaneous | Rodent - mouse | 250 mg/kg,female 8 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -Central Nervous System 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -craniofacial (including nose andtongue) |
70 | Reproductive | Intravenous | Rodent - mouse | 250 mg/kg,female 8 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -Central Nervous System |
71 | Reproductive | Oral | Primate - monkey | 930 mg/kg,female 20-45 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -abortion 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetaldeath |
72 | Reproductive | Oral | Primate - monkey | 633 mg/kg,female 20-45 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) |
73 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rabbit | 300 ppm/6H,male 65 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
74 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rabbit | 50 ppm/6H,female 6-18 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -body wall 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -cardiovascular (circulatory) system 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -urogenital system |
75 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rabbit | 50 ppm/6H,female 6-18 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Effects on Embryo or Fetus - fetotoxicity (except death, e.g., stuntedfetus) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -body wall 3.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system |
76 | Reproductive | Inhalation | Rodent - rabbit | 10 ppm/6H,female 6-18 day(s) after conception | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Fertility -post-implantation mortality (e.g. dead and/or resorbed implants per total number of implants) 2.生殖毒性Reproductive - Specific Developmental Abnormalities -musculoskeletal system |
77 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - guinea pig | 6250 mg/kg,male 25 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
78 | Reproductive | Administration onto the skin | Rodent - guinea pig | 65 mg/kg,male 65 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
79 | Reproductive | Oral | Rodent - hamster | 1562 mg/kg,male 25 day(s) pre-mating | 1.生殖毒性Reproductive - Paternal Effects - testes, epididymis, spermduct |
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